Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is ready to admit students into the B.Tech courses. 70% of the seats will be filled in through the entrance exam. The officials have already conducted the first phase and the 2nd phase of the Amrita Entrance Examination – Engineering will be conducted between 2 to 12 May 2024. Registered candidates will have to download the AEEE 2024 Admit Card to appear for the exam. No candidates will get entry to the exam hall without the admit card.
As per the latest information, the authority released the AEEE Admit Card on 29 April 2024. Check Out some essential information such as the admit card downloading process, exam date and more in the following article.
AEEE 2024 Admit Card
Candidates will have to provide their login credentials i.e., registered Mobile Number/ Email ID to get access to the admit card. The official website of the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham holds the direct link to the admit card. Candidates will not get the admit card through post. After downloading the admit card, candidates should make sure that the data printed on the admit card is as per the application form submitted by them.
If any discrepancy is found in the admit card, candidates should use the online query management system to get immediate rectification. The admit card is an important document, so it must be kept safe until the end of the admission process.

Amrita Entrance Examination Phase 2 Admit Card
Name of the University | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham |
Name of the Exam | Amrita Entrance Examination – Engineering |
Admission Into | Engineering Courses |
Date of the Exam | 2nd to 12th May 2024 |
Admit Card Availability Status | To be released |
Admit Card Availability Mode | Online Mode |
Official Website | |
How to download the AEEE 2024 Admit Card?
The following section aims to deliver the process of downloading the admit card in the easiest form. So, follow the step-by-step guide mentioned and the AEEE 2024 Admit Card will open on the screen within a few seconds:
- Commence the process by visiting the official web portal of the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham using this link:
- Now, you must click on the Admissions option attached on the top right side of the home screen.
- Scroll down the page and click on the B.Tech option to proceed further with the process.
- After that, a new page will open on the device where you must click on the admit card link.
- After clicking on the link, a new page will again form on the drive where you will see a separate section.
- Now, you must provide the requested particulars, recheck them and click on the submit button.
- Finally, the AEEE 2024 Admit Card will open on the screen. Check it thoroughly and tap the printout button. AEEE Admit Card: Important Points
- The authority will not entertain any request from the candidates regarding the changes to the allotted exam centre under any circumstances.
- Candidates will not be allowed to appear for the entrance examination without appearing with a valid admit card.
- The admit card can be downloaded through online mode.
- Take at least two copies of the admit card to avoid any kind of problem while appearing for the exam.
AEEE 2024 Admit Card: Important Links
Go to the Website | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Website Link |
AEEE 2024 Admit Card Link | Download Here |
Follow to get the latest updates | Entrance Exam Admit Card |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the AEEE 2024 Admit Card release date?
The officials have not yet released the admit card on the official website. As per the latest information, the officials will release the admit card link on 29th April 2024. The direct admit card link will be updated here shortly.
What details can be seen on the Amrita Entrance Examination – Engineering Admit Card?
The admit card holds essential information such as the name of the authority, name of the exam, applied course, academic session, name of the student, roll number, date and day of the exam, exam timing, reporting time, exam-related instructions, and more.
What documents will be needed while appearing for the exam?
Candidates must keep a printed copy of the admit card, a passport-sized photograph and any photo identity card for verification such as an aadhaar card, PAN card, voter ID, driving license and others.